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Geschrieben von Grozdanov am 25.06.2013, 20:55 Uhr:

I installed electric roller blind, but the button don't have a light. The first position of heated driver seat don't have a light too. I disassembled the module and I check the diod's lights and they works. I tried to activate this diodes with star diagnosis, but can't. Can only to test whether they works or not. Did you have any idea how I can activated this diodes. Thank you!

Geschrieben von Grozdanov am 14.07.2013, 21:11 Uhr:

Original von Grozdanov:
I installed electric roller blind, but the button don't have a light. The first position of heated driver seat don't have a light too. I disassembled the module and I check the diod's lights and they works. I tried to activate this diodes with star diagnosis, but can't. Can only to test whether they works or not. Did you have any idea how I can activated this diodes. Thank you!

Does anyone has idea?

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